Giordano Nanni: The Juice Media


Giordano is a writer, historian, satirist and founder of The Juice Media. He is the creator and writer of the Honest Government Ads series which he produces together with his partner Lucy and actors Ellen Burbidge and Zoë Amanda Wilson.

In his twenties Giordano completed a PhD in History, focusing on British settler-colonialism, and worked in academia for a few years before realising his real passion and talent was for communicating complex topics to a broader audience.

Thankfully this coincided with the advent of YouTube which allowed him to transition to becoming a full-time online video creator. He now spends his days impersonating Governments, exposing shitfcukery, recording podcasts, and spending as much time as possible with his two children. For more info see The Juice Media's About page.

Frank Forencich